Saturday, July 12, 2008

July is almost half gone...

... and Brian has been home for 4 days this month. Tonight we had a really beautiful sunset (for here, you know) for the first time in ages and ages. I really wish I had a better location to grab these, but if I had loaded up the baby and driven aimlessly looking for a perfect Wisconsin farmhouse to use as a foreground, well.. you know... the sun would have already been gone.

These will have to do:

The kids took me to the park on Wednesday. I'm already allowing myself to get mildly depressed about the end of summer, but I finally have Bailey back on schedule, so we should at least be able to enjoy a little more of it now.

Oh, now I know why people use these borders... it makes even bad pictures look good. I fought them for a long time, but there really is a noticeable impact! Here are a couple from Wednesday. It was really bright, so there were only a few. The rest are in my flickr.

Bailey is so good at the rolley slide now. This time, I let go of my fears and let her go down all by herself. It was only after several days of practice, but I still hold my breath when she's up there alone.

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